15 July 2006

Moving my Life Along

I'm quitting my job. I have decided. I figured it was probably safer to blog about this here than on No Ordinary Princess, which has, historically, had a wider "readership," including some hits which are local to me. It's amazing what a mention on a popular blog can do for your stats, though. Things have gotten considerably busier here since last evening. Thanks, Bitch | Lab!

I've been at my hospital for nearly three years. I knew early on this would not be the place from which I would retire. It's become painfully obvious in the past year just how bad a fit we are, though, me and my institution. I've resisted the impulse to walk out with an immediate resignation for many months.

This will not come as a surprise to my nurse manager. When she approached me in February about taking a position on the hospital's Nursing Practice Council (usually a two-year stint), I informed her I wasn't going to be there long enough to serve the term. She urged me to hang in there a bit with the expectation that a position would be created soon for an Emergency
Department/Information Services Liaison Nurse, someone to communicate between the health care professionals in the ED and the IS people regarding the computer documentation program our health system is purchasing.

I hung in there until March, when I attended an introduction to the program three days before my dad died. I hung in there through April, when I was invited on a site visit to a Lancaster County hospital which utilizes the program. I've been hanging in there as the time frame keeps being pushed back; now we're talking roll-out in early 2007. I cannot even get a firm estimate of when the position will be posted or what my standing might be as a candidate. My hanging in there time is up.

I'll be spending a few days at the Jersey Shore next week to "sit with" my decision but think I will be contacting the nurse recruiter at the little community hospital two blocks from home about meeting next Friday to see what they have to offer. I don't really think I need time to sit with my choice but it's a good excuse to high-tail it to the shore for a few days. : )

Changes haven't come easily to me. I've been resistant to change and, subsequently, to growth for much of my life. I've come to be less afraid. I am strong enough to do what I want, where I want and with whom. Change doesn't always have to be difficult, just different, and sometimes that's just what you need.

Right now, I feel that what I need is a nap on this muggier-than-Hell Pennsylvania day.

Ahhhh...two years of therapy....priceless!

Technorati tags: bitchy / blogging / life / middle-age / nursing / work


At July 15, 2006 9:08 PM, Blogger Cheryl said...

I'll have to read your archives to hear the tale. So sad to hear things are difficult for you right now. Hope they pick up soon.

And, yes...I am going for it. : )


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