09 September 2006

Another Sensuous Evening

The pills are kicking in and I'm getting to bed at a more reasonable hour these days. Gone the days of staying up until 5, 6 or 7AM. Nope...in bed by 2, asleep in 30 minutes, that's my new motto!

But I couldn't hit the sack before I regaled you all with the tale of my evening, so you can eat your hearts out.

I'm in a second story apartment which means it gets hot up here. I've finally been able to turn the air off and open the windows again so I'm not eager to close up again. I have a near industrial-strength floor fan...greatest thing ever! After the sun's gone down on a beautiful day like we had in Philly suburbia, I leave the main door open to allow the cool, fresh air from the outside to be pulled up the stairwell and into my living room. Ahhhh, lovely.

Not only does the fan draw from the stairwell, it pulls fresh air in through the three open bedroom windows, deliciously cooling the room, my linens. I have sweet, earthy candles lit in both rooms to blend with the scent of moist fertility from the air in my creek hollow. There are crickets chirping and katydids calling and I can hear the trickle and flow of the stream if I don't have music on. Of course, I do have music on...Loreena McKennitt's The Book of Secrets.

I live six miles from the airport, less than a mile from the main east coast north-south artery and a block off a well-traveled surface road yet I've seen red-tailed hawks, kingfishers, great blue herons. I've heard owls and racoons in the woods across the creek. And nightingales!

I took Sadie out for her walk a few minutes ago. The temperature is 72 degrees, barely a breath of wind. High, patchy clouds dot the sky around a moon just past the full. There is a partial ring of rainbow colors in the clouds just around the moon. Sadie was good and did not even dart off when Noel, an old Golden Retriever in the complex, barked that she was outside and was not to be approached!

I will now retire to my bed and a book, to cool sheets and mountains of soft pillows. I'll bring in the fan, turn it to low and point it to the ceiling. The soft breeze it stirs will kiss my skin as I sink, blissfully, beneath my cotton sheets and fluffy down comforter. I'll press the pillows against me, nuzzle in and fall off to sleep to the trickling of the stream water over smoothed rocks.

Envy me.

tags: senses / sensual / sensuous / sexy


At September 09, 2006 2:06 AM, Blogger belledame222 said...

Mmmm. damn, i should be putting my own sweet self to bed, goddamit...

At September 09, 2006 10:57 AM, Blogger Cheryl said...

I hope you slept well, BD!

At September 13, 2006 9:56 PM, Blogger Bimbo said...

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